
Comics and Toys!

Hey guys! Its been busy but check out what I been up to here! I just finished up my first official comic or Zine really. Get ready for LOS TORTUGAS LUCHA TURTLES! 

Los Tortugas Lucha Turtles is a faux Ninja Turtles bootleg in which our heroes Miguel, Ralph, Leon and Donnal are Luchadors instead of ninjas. And because they are Luchadors I thought it would be funny to write the book in Spanish. Except for I don't really speak spanish, I only ever took 2 years in high-school and did pretty crummy at it. So its jokingly write in broken Spanish  Its a fun time and I hope you all get to check it out! They will be available online shortly! 

We (my brother and I) debuted our new comics at the Designer Con Toy expo in Pasadena this past weekend. It was great and we met a lot of cool people and artist! We cant wait to do it again next year. 

As you can see my Finalized Power Troopers where available as well. I hand cast the sculpt in resin and painted them individually. Hopefully more color ways will be available soon! 

CTN EXPO is coming up cant wait to see you all and have some art hangs soon!